Love Life After...
Let's Heal together!
Aspiring everyday people trying to get through life after overcoming many obstacles. Our goal is to empower women, men and girls all over who are looking for positive ways to live life after struggles. Meanwhile learning to be independent, to overcome shame issues and other personal obstacles all while leveraging clear, intuitive communication in our daily lives. Join u as we explore, share ourselves, our opinions, and our healing journey with you. Life is a journey, Don't quit on yourself. Let's do this together!
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Love Life After...
Love Life After- S8E10- Beyond The Bonds
Unravelling the complexity of friendships dynamics.
Friendships can be beautiful but they can also change for the worse over time.
Friendships can end for various reasons. Sometimes people grow apart due to different reasons, interest or just on different paths in life. Other times conflicts or misunderstanding can strain the relationship. that's why communication its important to help navigate conflicts.
Remember new friendships can also blossom along the way.
Contact Christelle (host of Love Life After)
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